The glossary includes common field names, definitions, and examples. The glossary lets you quickly understand the meaning of fields in Virgo.
You can also perform a search in the Virgo Help for a field name and display the field definition. For example, you can search for the term Jurisdiction.
Notes on special or restricted access to a record series or content type such as Internal Only, Company Confidential, or Public. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Content Types. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series or content type.
Indicates to whom the citation applies. For example, "An employer of twenty or more employees shall retain the complete personnel record." This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
Notes related to the transfer of records to another authority for historical reasons. Indicates if records assigned to a content type should be archived. For example, records with the Health and Safety Audits content type may have no Archival Value. This field can display on the Content Types page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a content type.
A confirmation that a jurisdiction applies to a record series.
Jurisdictions that are pending confirmation that they apply to a record series. This field may display on the Record Series grid.
Displays what fields on the page changed, when a field changed, who changed the field, and how the field changed. This section displays on the following details pages: Record Series, Citations, Content Types, and Repositories.
The type of authority driving a retention period. For example, a business need could drive the retention period. This field displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
The type of authority for a citation. For example, the Authority Type of a California records keeping law could be a Statutory Law. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
The person, title, or office responsible for the business purposes of a repository. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
Indicates if a repository is electronic or physical. For example, an Accounting repository could be physical. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
Displays important updates to citations, including new, repealed, and changed citations. Change History lets you zero in on important changes in your regulatory environment. This field can display on the Citations page.
An excerpt from a law or regulation. For example, a California records management law. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
An alphanumeric identifier for a content type, record series, or repository. For example, ACC010. This field may display on the following Virgo pages: Content Types, Record Series, and Repositories.
A category of citations specific to a jurisdiction. For example, in California, the two main Collections are: California Code of Regulations and California Statutes. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
The number of comments. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series, Citations, Content Types, and Repositories.
Categories for frequently used documents and records within your organization. For example, an Internal Audits record series could contain a Health and Safety Audits content type. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Repositories. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
When our Research team added a citation to a records management law or regulation to Virgo. Created Date is not when a records management law or regulation took effect or was changed. For this information, see the Enacted Date and Last Amended Date. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
The level of importance of a content type to an organization. For example, a Health and Safety Audits content type could be Important to your organization. This field can display on the Content Types page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a content type. The options that display is configurable.
The citation(s) driving the retention period or used to support the retention period. For example, there may be 45 relevant citations mapped to a record series, but only a few are marked as defining. This field can display on the Record Series page.
If a citation is the defining authority for a record series, this field displays for which record series the citation is marked as the defining authority. This field can display on the Citations page.
The business or organization unit that creates, manages, and/or approves destruction within a record series or content type. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series, Content Types, and Repositories. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series, content type, or repository.
Instructions for implementing the retention, destruction, or transfer of a record series. For example: "Destroy after five years." This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
The action at the end of the retention period: Destroy, Review, or Transfer. This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
The retention period of a regulation. For example, a California records management law could require records are kept for two years. This field displays if you click View Detail for a citation.
When a records management law or regulation came into effect. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
Parent or subsidiary organizations related by ownership structure. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Content Types. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
A note about a retention outlier, a shorter or longer retention period for a jurisdiction in a record series than the default retention period. An exception is noted when a jurisdiction, entity, or other specific operation of an organization must adhere to a distinct requirement. For example, Injury Logs HRS-070-010 has an 18-year retention outlier in New York State. This field displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
Indicates citations that are flagged for review. This field can display on the Citations page.
Indicates if a record series is mapped to citations that are flagged for review. This field can display on the Record Series page.
The number of citations mapped to a record series flagged for review. This field can display on the Record Series page.
The recommended, required, or preferred medium to save, store or preserve records. For example, records in an Internal Audits record series could be PDF/A. This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
A set of related processes or activities conducted by multiple corporate departments or employees. For example, Purchasing is a function related to activities conducted by most departments. This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
Determines if a citation displays or is hidden on the Citations page grid, reports, and views. This field can display on the Citations page and Citation Details page.
Numeric identifier for a record series. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series, Citations, Content Types, and Repositories.
Retention period designation for records that should be kept indefinitely and are never destroyed. This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you create or copy a record series.
The person, title, or office responsible for a record series or a content type. For example, a CFO could be the owner of an Internal Audits record series. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Content Types. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series or content type.
Indicates the citation is driving the retention rules for a record series. This field can display on the Citations page.
Indicates if a record series is mapped to citations or if a citation is mapped to a record series. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Citations.
Indicates that a citation is no longer in effect. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
Indicates if the records in a record series are fundamental to the functioning of your organization and necessary to the continuance of operations. This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
An association, country, district, province, region, state, or territory. For example, the Jurisdiction of a California records keeping law could be North America, United States, and California. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series, Citations, and Repositories. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series or repository.
The continent, country, and state/province for a citation. For example, for an Illinois citation: North America, United States, Illinois. This field can display on the Citations page.
When a records management law or regulation was last changed. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
A geographical place or room within an office where physical records are stored. For example: "Must be stored at company headquarters." This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
The mapped citations and the corresponding jurisdictions for a record series. For example, a California records management law may be mapped to an Internal Audits record series. This field may display on the Record Series page grid.
The recommended citations that apply to a record series. For example, a California records management law may be mapped to an Internal Audits record series. This section displays if you click View Detail for a record series.
The recommended citations that apply to a record series. For example, a California records management law may be mapped to an Internal Audits record series. This section displays if you click View Detail for citations.
Maximum period for which a record may be kept. This field also displays if you create or copy a record series.
Indicates the native language for a citation's source country. For example, if a citation's Jurisdiction is France, the Native Language Name would be French if the field is populated by our Research Team. The read-only Native Language Name field also displays if you click View Detail for a citation.
Displays additional information about a content type or repository. This field can display on the Content Types and Repositories pages. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a content type or repository.
The level of personal information. For example, Not Sensitive. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Content Types. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series or content type. The options that display is configurable.
Non-searchable conversation between Virgo users to discuss retention period recommendations, citation applicability, and approvals of retention schedules as published. This section displays on the following details pages: Record Series, Citations, Content Types, and Repositories.
Additional information related to your organization or a retention schedule. All users who can view citations in your Virgo environment will be able to view this field. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Citations. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
A group of related records for retention purposes with the same retention period. Although provisions for an exception to the retention period can be made, the expectation is the retention period applies to the entire series. For example, an Internal Audits record series could include audit work papers, final audit reports, related response materials, environmental audits, health and safety audits, and compliance audits. This field can display on the Content Types and Repositories pages. This section also displays if you click View Detail for a content type or a repository.
Indicates if a business application has the functionality to calculate the age of files, folders, document, and records based on a trigger date and retention period. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
The agency regulating compliance or publishing a law. For example, a California citation could be enforced by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
If a Regulator is a sub agency of another Regulator, this field shows that relationship. For example, in Wyoming, the Air Quality Division rolls up under another regulator. So, for citations under this regulator, this field reads as: Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Air Quality Division (AQD). This field can display on the Citations page.
Indicates that a citation is no longer in effect. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
Company locations for records. For example, an organization could have a repository for accounting records. This section displays if you click View Detail for a content type.
Indicates an application is the designated source of the original or master record for creation, filing, and/or disposal. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
An extract of the retention period of the regulation, if present. For example, a California citation could require that records are retained for two years. This field can display on the Citations page.
The retention period of the regulation. For example, a California records management law could require records are kept for two years. This field can display on the Citations page.
This field helps you identify additional requirement types. For example, if a citation Requirement Type is Format, the Sub-Requirement Type could be Digital/Electronic or Not specified. The read-only Requirement Sub-Type field also displays if you click View Detail for a citation. But the field is only populated by our Research Team when applicable.
An event that must occur before the retention period begins. For example, a citation may state, "Keep during the entire period of employment relationship and for at least 3 years after the employee ceases employment". The trigger event for this citation is Termination of Employment, and then the retention period of 3 years begins. This field can display on the Citations page.
The category assigned by Virgo research to distinguish the scope of the regulation. For example, a California records management law could regulate the retention of records. This field can display on the Citations page.
The measure of time of a regulation: Years, months, weeks, or days. This field can display on the Citations page.
The status our Research team assigns to a citation. For example, the status could be Published (the citation can be mapped to a record series), Pending Removal Immaterial (the citation may be deleted in the future and the Research team does not recommend for mapping), or Requirement Removed (the Research team does not recommend for mapping). You can review the Research Status and then take appropriate action. For example, if the Research Status of a mapped citation is Requirement Removed, remove the mapping. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
The length of the time to retain the records in the record series. For example, records in a General Security record series may be retained for three years. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Content Types.
The type of authority driving a retention period. For example, a business need could drive the retention period. This field can display on the Record Series page.
The number of retention units to retain the records in the record series. For example, records in a General Security record series may be retained for three years (units).This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you create or copy a record series.
The maximum number of retention units to retain the records in the record series. For example, six years. This field can display on the Record Series page.
A note about a retention outlier, a shorter or longer retention period for a jurisdiction in a record series than the default retention period. An exception is noted when a jurisdiction, entity, or other specific operation of an organization must adhere to a distinct requirement. For example, Injury Logs HRS-070-010 has an 18-year retention outlier in New York State. This field can display on the Record Series page.
The measure of time to retrain records in a record series: Years, months, weeks, or days. This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
The maximum measure of time to retrain records in a record series: Years, months, weeks, or days. This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
Indicates the security clearance of employees required to view, use, or circulate a particular content type. For example, a Health and Safety Audits content type could be Confidential. This field can display on the Content Types page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a content type. The options that display is configurable.
Security groups restrict users' ability to edit record series. For example, you can create a security group that ensures only users in the Switzerland Finance group can edit a Swiss financial record series. This field may display on these pages: Security Groups Admin, Users page grid, Users Details, New User, and My Account.
The date a repository stopped accepting new data, users, or records. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
The date a repository went live for end users. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
The date a repository was completely decommissioned and was no longer available. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
The status of the law or regulation. For example, the Status of an active California records management law could be Applies. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
The current status of a content type. For example, the status of a content type could be Inactive. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Content Types. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a content type.
The current status of a record series or repository. For example, the status of a record series could be Inactive. The status of a repository could be Production. This field can display on the following Virgo pages: Record Series and Repositories. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series or repository.
Displays additional information about a citation. This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
The person, title, or office responsible for the operation and maintenance of a repository. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
The description of a citation. For example, the description of a California records management law could be "Inspection records." This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
Indicates if a repository is managed by an outside vendor. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
The general industry or classification for each citation that groups like citations together. For example, a citation governing the retention of employee personnel files would be classified under the topic "Human Resources, Personnel Files". This field can display on the Citations page. This field also displays if you click View Detail.
An event that must occur before the retention period begins. For example, a citation may state, "Keep during the entire period of employment relationship and for at least 3 years after the employee ceases employment". The trigger event for this citation is Termination of Employment, and then the retention period of 3 years begins. This field displays if you click View Detail for a citation.
A date used to calculate the age of records. If the Current Date minus the Trigger Date is greater than the retention period, then the record is eligible for disposition. This field can display on the Record Series page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a record series.
The type of requirement found in the citation. For example, Retention, Limitation, Privacy, Location, Language, Format, and Disposition. This field displays if you click View Detail for a citation.
Indicates if a record series is a standard Global record series or is an Exception record series for a specific jurisdiction. Global is the default. This field may display when creating, editing, or viewing record series details.
Indicates if a repository is an application, database, email, file share, etc. This field can display on the Repositories page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a repository.
Indicates if a record series displays in an active Employee Portal view. This field displays on the Record Series Status page.
Indicates if the records in a record series or with a content type are fundamental to the functioning of your organization and necessary to the continuance of operations. This field can display on the Record Series or Content Types page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or edit a record series or content type.
Indicates the current, estimated, or future amounts of a certain content type. Can be used for capacity planning, privacy analysis, and disposal volume forecasting. For example, the volume of a Health and Safety Audits content type could be a relative measurement: Medium, 4000 boxes, or 10 petabytes. This field can display on the Content Types page. This field also displays if you click View Detail or create or copy a content type.